the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Working holiday

Sunday saw K's christening and a Christmas lunch for Ronwen's cousins from Ireland (they weren't here for real Christmas, so the family had a pseudo-Christmas now).

Apart from that I've been studying like mad. I've sequestered myself in the study here and surface only for tea and munchies (when I can't get Ronwen to bring the toasted gammon sarmies to me, that is ;-). Three assignments done since I came to Durbs, two to go. When we came down I rather gingerly asked Ronwen if we could cut the holiday short and head back up to Joburg after the weekend, if I wasn't making any progress. As it stands the lack of Internet connectivity has seen my productivity skyrocket, so much so that I'd be nuts to head back right now.

At this point I'm a little too scared to take that observation to its natural conclusion, which would start somewhere along the lines of "so exactly how much time do I spend reading blogs and news each day?"



1. senkwe (2004.08.10 - 15:58) #

Colin, I kid you not, I think there is a correlation between the numerous nightmares I've been having lately (about late assignments, all night cram sessions and going blank in university exam rooms the next bleary eyed morning) and your spate of blogs concerning your "school work".

I swear, the wave of relief that overcomes me when I wake up and realise it was all a dream is God honestly the most beautful thing in the world

Yes, I hated varsity :-)

2. Colin (2004.08.23 - 20:15) #

I hope the nightmares have abated by now. I'll apologise in advance for when the exam period starts, you'll probably be vicariously suffering again :)

Every time I hit exams I think "why am I doing this?".

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