Went to see the visa people today. Theoretically, getting my HSMP visa shouldn't be a problem, but the entire process is pretty daunting. Paperwork, proving everything, explaining everything, so that an overworked civil servant in the UK can decide at first glance whether I'm a legit case or not.
Ronwen's advice is always the same - "how do you eat an elephant?", and right on target (the answer is "one bite at a time"). Right now I'm trying to catch up mountains of overdue assignments and studies and personal paperwork and whatnot, and then we'll be getting the application ready.
Being a natural worryer, I'll be uneasy until that damned visa is approved or declined, and that will take around four months, at least. I have enough stuff to do in the meantime, but still.
On Wednesday I'll have been unemployed for 3 weeks. I haven't written a line of LotusScript in those three weeks, and if I said I'm missing it, I'd be lying. This is probably the longest work-free break I've had in oh, about 5 years? I'm not in real holiday mode yet, because I've still got a mountain of assignments to get through, but my aim is to become one of those nerdy everything-done-a-week-in-advance type students I've always secretly envied. One of the benefits of getting there will be to wake up some days, and decide "sod this, I'm doing bugger-all today but lie on the couch and sleep."