More druks
On the speed freak note, did any other Sefricans see the Special Assignment documentary on tik (Crystal Meth) junkies on the Cape Flats last night? I get cynical whenever the whole drugs are bad, mmmmkay, thing comes on TV. Any semblance of objectivity is so lost in hyperbole and prejudice and sensationalism ("nowadays youse can find out how to make all vis stuff on ve Internet"), that it's no wonder that kids don't believe any of it, and end up doing stupid things because of it.
I mean, it's obvious that the stuff ain't good for you, and it's caused huge social problems, but they have the forensic chemistry copper preaching from on high about how evilly awful and dangerous the stuff is, and only in passing do they mention that it's virtually the same drug that's freely available in nearly every diet pill and flu medication in the country. Now, admittedly, not many people sit around smoking their Advil-CS tablets, but when mom's speeding off her noggin because she's trying to shed a few kilos, or has the sniffles, and then gets all righteous because her kid's turned into a brain-dead tik-tik fiend, you have to know that the issues are not as cut and dried as people would like to believe.