the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

One down, n to go.

Operating systems assignment finally in the bag. That took far too long. Advanced Programming next, then Computer Theory, then Computer Graphics. I might have missed one. Either way, I start the first real bit of C++ work I've done this year. Yay!

The only other personal news to report is that I had a bit of a set-to this morning, with a cold-calling estate agent. I was polite with a... brittle edge. I tried to explain that cold-calling and pissing off potential customers is no way to generate business, surely? "No, we only do it every 6 months." Problem is, they and every other estate agent in the city do it every 6 months, and I end up getting a call a day. I conveyed this and my frustration. She sounded apologetic but I don't think she gave a toss, really, even after my "do you really think I'd use you people after you've wasted my time like this?" routine. Not that I own this place, mind you.

Ronwen says I have to be nice to the telemarketers, many of whom desperately need the work and don't particularly enjoy doing what they do. I don't know if I agree with her but she is the Boss and all, so I try to be nice and civil. I think there is a difference between poor Sannie trying to flog timeshare holidays to make ends meet and Pam Frickin' Golding wannabes cashing in on the property boom and trying to increase their mindshare so that when I finally wake up one day and decide "hmm, I think I'll re-enter the property market today," theirs is the first name I'll think of. Not bloody likely, and I feel far less guilty about letting them know how I feel. Politely (with a brittle edge), of course.



1. senkwe (2004.05.27 - 08:15) #

Tough job, telemarketing. I have a former telemarketer friend who tells me that she and her collegaues used to work under the threat that their calls were all being recorded. So if you give up to easily on that sale, you get fired, simple and plain. Also, it's apparently in their best interest to keep you on the phone as long as possible because the calls are also timed. So if someone hangs up on you, that's more points against you. Tough job.

2. Vaz (2004.05.27 - 11:08) #

Can't you just use the answering machine to screen calls.

3. Colin (2004.05.27 - 12:18) #

Vaz, you're right, I could, but it's a pain in the arse. I haven't used my answering machine in years, too much admin.

Senkwe: that's the dilemma and crux of the missus's argument. It's a crap job but the people who actually run the outfits probably know this and exploit our human nature to the fullest. I'm just not sure if I like the idea that we encourage an industry that deserves to whither and die, just out of sympathy. It's not that I don't have sympathy, but I kind of see it in the same light as buying crack from your local corner dealer, just 'cause he's got a wife and kids to support.

Presumably the telemarketers are earning commission, so if I'm not going to buy anything (that's a given), then they're better off not wasting their time with me. So they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

What I'd actually like to do is what Carl Tyler did a while ago: get the phone number of the assholes in charge and publish their contact details on the Net:

4. Ronwen (2004.05.27 - 20:33) #

You could lie.

Like today, I was contacted by a telemarketer, about the prize I've definitely won, if I would only come and participate in the draw.

Told him I will be out of town that day. :( You'd be surprised how quickly he hung up.

So, even though I lied, I wasn't rude, and probably didn't bring this dude's day down.

5. sandy (2004.06.01 - 09:03) #

When someone's selling me new double glazing or a new kitchen or bathroom, or whatever, I tell them we've just put the house on the market and hence would not be interested. For the first time (this weekend) I wasn't lying!!

« One of those days

» One more in the bag