the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Oh my gawd

A significant moment in every man's life, the first real sign of physical change, since puberty: Ronwen just spotted and plucked out the first grey strands of hair from my noggin. There's no hiding from the truth. Those fsckers are grey, man. Grey grey grey.

Can I have my mid-life crisis now? Pleeeeaase?



1. Greyhawk68 (2004.05.21 - 17:32) #

Bah, only ONE grey hair?!?! I'm 33 and have so much grey you wouldn't believe it. I like to say it makes me look distinguished, to which my wife responds "Yup, we can now distinguish you from younger men." *OUCH* :-)

Welcome to the club!


2. Nathan T. Freeman (2004.05.21 - 23:12) #

Does that mean if I come there I'll be greyer than you? That'll be depressing. ;)

3. Ronwen (2004.05.22 - 09:57) #

Man, why didn't I just keep quiet.........

4. Colin (2004.05.22 - 11:20) #

No dear, what you did was the right thing. This way I can prepare myself properly for the inevitable. It's all downhill from here...

After grey hair, what's the next thing to look forward to? Hairy ears and prostate problems. Yay!

5. Ed Brill (2004.05.24 - 03:38) #

grey hair is scarier when it is located someplace below the neck...or waist. :)

6. Colin (2004.05.24 - 19:23) #

Lol! Too much info, Ed, too much info :-)

7. jonvon (2004.05.24 - 22:12) #

dude i've been grey since my mid twenties. getting greyer every year...

it just means you are accumulating wisdom! at least that is what i've been telling myself for some time now.


8. Ben Poole (2004.05.24 - 23:12) #

You keep on telling yurself that Jon... ;o)

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