New TV
Well, it was time to pull finger, so we got a new telly this morning. We drove through to the Woodmead Makro to get it, on account of our local one being incinerated. Got a 72cm LG Flatron. Jeepers. Whole new range of TV experience. I'm not 100% sure if I'm happy with the sound though, things seem a bit echoey and muffled at times, especially with DVDs. I'm not sure how much of it is my imagination, not being used to the TV being in stereo, and how much can be sorted by tweaking one of the zillion settings. We'll see. Damned fine TV in every other respect.
My only other gripe is this: what's with all the silver componentry? Ten years ago silver meant "el cheapo." Nowadays a look through any of the electronics stores, and absolutely nothing is available in black finish. No TVs, VCRS, DVD players, hi-fi components, nada. Everything is a shitty silver. When did all the electronics manufacturers decide that black was out? Call me cynical, but they probably know that in 3 years' time your telly's matt silver is going to start looking the worse for wear, and you'll be more likely to head out and replace it even though it still works fine. Sharks.
A & P & L came round for dinner & DVDs this evening. I stayed at home while they all went to hire a DVD, and they settled on Jackass: The Movie. I don't think it was quite what anyone expected. I can't decide whether I enjoyed it or hated it. Some of the gross-out stuff was far too gross for me. Some of the pranks were so stupid it was painful to watch. At one or two points I thought about getting up and going to do something else. However, I also laughed my arse off during much of the movie. Strangely, of all the disgusting things these malcontents get up to, the absolute worst had to be the paper-cuts scene. That was just wrong.