the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Just talk already

The X-files pisses me off. There've been some really cool story lines in the past, but the overriding thing that keeps me from being a fan is that at least halfway into any given episode I want to shake everyone and scream out "just fscking talk to each other!"

For how many years have the principal characters gone from episode to episode talking in bloody riddles and acting all cryptic and refusing to hear what the other person says? Yeah, that's the human condition, but it's a ridiculous charicature of reality. These people are in a profession where weird shit happens. Over and again. You think they'd have learned to be a little more open to each other's hunches and intuitions and know that when one of 'em has weird experiences with a fruitloop, it's happened for a reason. Instead, it's the same tired bob and weave every damned episode:

"I have a goofed out theory that explains this, but I won't tell you about it because we have another 20 minutes to get through excluding ad breaks." "No, you're talking out your arse, and I don't know what you're on about anyway." "That's fine, in this episode it's my turn to be all mysterious" "When will you get over this mystery thing. There is a rational explanation for this. I was wrong the last 6 seasons, but this time it's different." "Accept the truth. I am your father."



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