Game Development: Harder Than You Think
You gotta admit, it's a lot more fun than writing Leave Application databases. Via CMac.
I've always regarded games developers as high priests. I remember a couple of years back a mate of mine worked at an ISP, and in some cruddy, underfurnished offices next door, were a bunch of young programmers working on a Diablo-like computer game. They showed us a work-in-progress version and the graphics, gaming engine etc seemed a world away from the arb VBA macros I was coming to grips with at the time. I don't think the game was ever released; there isn't much of a local game-producing industry to speak of (enough players, though). I think those blokes were probably as much inspiration as any to me. The atmosphere, the vibe, the hell-for-leather coding stints, doing stuff mere mortals could only dream of doing.
Doing Graphics Programming at University this year, and I'm determined to pay extra-special attention to it...