Stupid stupid stupid
A pet peeve of mine is the 'serving suggestion' label on all food packaging. I'm not sure if this is purely a South African lunacy or whether the whole planet is afflicted by this drivellous, misguided notion of "value-add". In case you don't know what I'm referring to, it's when food packaging which has a picture of the food in some happy "eat-me" pose, has a small label somewhere on the side of the picture saying "Serving Suggestion."
That would be great if great opulent feasts and tantalising displays were depicted on the tin, packet or box. Displays pushing us to ever greater and more appetising ways of serving our daily foodstuffs. Instead, it's the drollest, boringest, least-inspired photograph of the product, au naturel or close enough to that.
Never in my wildest dreams, and assuming I ate them, would I have thought I needed a 'suggestion' telling me to serve baked bloody beans in a bowl. What are the alternatives? On toothpicks on a platter? What kind of patronising marketroid thought we were too dumb to figure these things out for ourselves?
Anyway. That's a long-standing issue and these days I'm largely over it.
Today, though, I saw a new beauty. I popped into the local Woolworths to buy lunch and a few groceries, and noticed that the pork bangers I bought have a nice pink little heart-shaped label saying "Valentine's Breakfast Solution"
Woolworths is now selling a Valentine's Breakfast Solution.
That is just too wrong.