the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Dear diary

Been a blur of work since the weekend, so not much to report that hasn't been blogged about already.

Dog news: we suspect that Tupac is pregnant. Hrrrm.

More dog news: we discovered that Cerberus' real name is 'Chillies'. We're sticking with Cerberus.

Cerberus was reportedly visiting someone-or-the-other at their farm last week, and I can believe it: she now smells like a cow crapped all over her. She's not being allowed inside our flat. Ever again.

Weather: it's been raining since the weekend. I'm hoping this is a repeat of 2000, when it rained nonstop from Jan to March. Every time it rains for more than an hour on end, that's what I hope for. Never seems to happen.

On the topic of rain, it seems to have flushed out some horrid critters, including our first Parktown Prawn of the year. (See this post on Julian's site for a bit o' discussion.) Ronwen was amazingly calm considering the thing was scuttling around her feet in the kitchen when I noticed it. She also handled the role of 'mop shepherd' pretty adroitly while I Doomed the poor critter to Prawn Heaven.



1. Ben Poole (2004.01.21 - 11:17) #

I believe bitches are fond of rolling in smelly substances - for example, cow pats, rubbish, and so forth. So your cow theory may not be too off the mark: farms must be olfactory nirvana for dogs :-)

2. Colin (2004.01.21 - 11:45) #

Lol! Now I wonder - do they do that as a perfume to attract males, or to keep them away? ;)

3. Ronwen (2004.01.21 - 18:21) #

"Ronwen was amazing calm".......
For a girl, of course.

« Cheers Jaco

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