the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius


I just got chastised (slightly) for not having updated my blog since Thursday. It appears that my loved ones enjoy their Corner Office 'fix' each day.

This ties into something I've been mulling a bit, recently. When I started this blog, I wanted it to be as much a 'diary' (a personal history) as it was a 'blog' (a sharing tool). While blogs may be personal in nature, they're generally less focused on the mundane did-this-did-that minutae that a diary might have, and are more directed towards an audience other than the author and stalkers.

That's the distinction I make, anyhow, and while I enjoy foisting content upon others, I also want to make an effort to go back to the more posterity-focused 'Dear Diary' type posts that I've almost completely stopped doing.

I hope this doesn't bore the heck out of some of you who do follow my blog (bless you), but this might be a good time to point out that I do have two sets of RSS feeds, and if the personal waffle doesn't appeal, then the technical RSS feed (long since gone) might do the trick.



1. Tom (2004.01.17 - 17:30) #

My blog is the same way. I've often flip-flopped on what I should focus on. It really ends up being about whatever happens to be floating around in my head when I sit down. I think that costs me readership, but the blog is really for me anyway. The difference between it and a real diary is that I'm enough of a grandstander to hope that others will enjoy reading it.

2. Colin (2004.01.18 - 12:07) #

Well said, Tom, you hit the nail on the head. I suppose it's impossible to expose something to a potential audience of billions and not expect to be influenced by their potential opinion of it :)

« Clever mutt

» Cheers Jaco