... sweet, chaotic, untidy home. Ronwen and I were on the road by 7 this morning, and managed to beat the majority of the homeward-heading holidaymakers back to Joburg. Seems the N3 got a lot busier during the day.
With that, the holiday's over, and it's back to work and a new year. We've had a nice break though. As a holiday and time away looms, I always get seriously antsy at the prospect of being away, and then once I'm on holiday, I don't want it to end :-) This was more of a working holiday, so I got the best of both worlds. I'm disappointed that we didn't get a chance to get in touch with more family and friends, but hopefully we'll rectify that next time.
I'm also bloody glad to be far, far away from the humidity again.
Ronwen says the folks next door are away for a while as well, and Tupac must be staying with someone else. I'm heartbroken. Man, I'm missing that dog.