the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Man and his (neighbour's) dog

I'm working from home today for the first time in weeks, and true to form Tupac the neighbour's dog heard me moving around the flat, and came scratching at the door. Haven't seen the mutt in ages, but she's come to visit, and we're back to old tradition - me at my desk working, and her wrapped up around my feet, snoozing away.

All is right with the Universe :-)



1. sandy (2003.12.02 - 08:24) #

You so need to get yourself a dog!!

2. Colin (2003.12.02 - 14:48) #

We've discussed it, but with our working hours and with Operation First World on the horizon, it isn't really fair on a pooch... and with someone else's dog, we get the affection without the Dogmor budget and landmines :-)

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