It's kinda complicated. I was googling for koeksusters when I stumbled across Will van der Leij's blog, with the coolest domain name a South African could nab.
Given much of the fun we-sez-they-sez cross-cultural discussion that's been sweeping the Domino community the last couple of days, I absolutely had to quote this from his review of the movie Stander (which I still have to go see).
Big sloppy wet Kudos to the language coaches. This is honestly the first movie I have seen in which foreigner actors pass themselves off as South Africans with some credibility. There is nothing worse for a Sefrican than to listen to Val Kilmer say he's a "Sef Efrikin" as though a ferret had crawled up his nose. Admittedly, our accent appears to be hard to master. It takes years of slurring bilingual obscenities with a mouth full of droewors for most of us. The rest of the world doesn't exactly have much exposure to our unique accent so you can't blame them either (and no, we don't sound like the Dutch. At all.) Of course this does not explain in any way the culturo-geographic anomaly we call Natal, but I guess it's because they still hold a grudge against the Vaalies for thwarting the Jameson Raid.
Sure Ronwen will love the Natal reference... ;-)
(and Sandy, and any other Sefrikans who read this, go read that review if you want to be taken back a decade or two)