Performance anxiety
I plopped my blog down onto the WWW 2 days ago. I haven't told anyone about it yet, and instead of actively promoting my site (yeah right), I've been tweaking and retweaking much of what's already there, steadfastly avoiding taking the final plunge and announcing myself to the world.
I have a zillion posts from the last 3 months to push live, and I'm going to start doing that tomorrow. But knowing that I'm "out there", has me jittery about adding new posts, since now there's no turning back if I publish an utterly crap entry. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to win a popularity contest. Indifference on average with the occasional reader suits me fine. It's outright and unequivocal rejection that I fear the most.
What if people get tired of my waffle and saying unflattering things about me everywhere? What if my opinions are so unpopular I get dead frogs in the mail? What if I post technical things and everybody thinks I'm an idiot who shouldn't be allowed near computers? What if my blog goes down like a Verisign marketing stunt, and the Net rises en masse and starts patching DNS servers to spare the world from my feeble blogging attempts?? What if, what if, what if?
I hope this doesn't turn into writer's block or anything. It's one thing to sling posts into a private journal, another to open oneself up to public scrutiny, and the ever-present risk of sheer, crushing, unforgiving, cold embarassment and rejection by one's peers. All of a sudden I have a lot of respect for my koff fellow bloggers.
As with most ventures in life, the same old good advice probably applies... just be yourself, treat others with respect, wear clean underwear at all times... but with the exception of the underwear thing, the other advice is never really comforting...
On second thoughts, I'm already rambling on as usual... I'm sure I'll be OK :-)